Mises Wire

Where Are All the Commerical Foreclosures?

Where Are All the Commerical Foreclosures?

We’ve seen plenty of them in the totally ravaged markets like Las Vegas of course, but some have begun to wonder where all the commercial foreclosures are? We don’t hear about a lot of foreclosures in apartment buildings, for example. Well, apartment buildings won’t foreclosure in large numbers, because, as a substitute good for for-sale housing, rental housing is quite helpful. However, this article in the Denver Business Journal has a nice analysis of what is coming in commercial foreclosures -  

It’s not going to be a dramatic story as is the case with the residential foreclosures, because they won’t come default so much as from maturity foreclosures. these quotes are nice — deleveraging is going to continue as banks begin to fear losses on their short term loans and begin to adjust the terms of their loan -which will cause pressure on the owners of commercial real estate. It will also greatly limit expansion of the owners since they Right now in the united states, there are 55 square feet of retail for every Americans. Grubb and Ellis - according to them. The last thing that is needed right now is more retail. Especially since Americans should be savinf far more than they are and should be contributing to capital accumulation.

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