Mises Wire

Top Ten Most-Read Articles in October

In case you missed any of them, be sure to check out last month’s most popular articles. 

The Top Ten Most Visited Articles During October

1. Spain Is without a National Government — And Spaniards Are Digging It by Joseph Salerno 

2. FBI: US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low by Ryan McMaken

3. Why Democracy Rewards Bad People by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

4. The Trumped Up Myths Behind Trickle Down Economics by Gary Galles 

5. When It Comes to Household Income, Sweden and Germany Rank with Kentucky by Ryan McMaken

6. The Federal Reserve Is Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon by Tommy Behnke

7. Hillary’s Huge Estate-Tax Hike by Mark Hendrickson

8. Faced with Angry Voters, the Elites Sour on Democracy by Ryan McMaken 

9. “Sharing Economy” Reveals that Licensing Laws Are Really About Shutting Down the Competition by Brittany Hunter

10. Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Like Edward Snowden by Tho Bishop 

Image Source: iStock
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