Mises Wire

Slashdot, Gilligan’s Island and the Mises Institute

Slashdot, Gilligan’s Island and the Mises Institute

The popular Slashdot site, “News for nerds, stuff that matters”, has posted a link to the Mises Daily article, The Monetary Economics of Thurston Howell III. You might find the massive discussion this has sparked at Slashdot interesting, 255 comments and counting! Some of them are pretty silly, but some are honest attempts to deal with the arguments for free market money.

Also, Slashdot has a reputation for shutting sites down when it points to a small server and the tens of thousands of Slashdot readers pile on. With justifiable pride, Jeff Tucker notes that “Mises.org had no trouble and never went above 25% CPU usage”. Kudos to Jeff and David Veksler who recently revamped the Mises.org servers.

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