Mises Wire

First Mises Video to Reach 1,000,000 Views?

We just noticed that this video on The Fed and money — originally made in the mid 90s — has received over a million views since it was posted on Youtube in 2006. The visuals unfortunately are quite dated, although the audio remains as current as ever, even down to the discussion of the “current” economy since wages and household purchasing power are stagnating today much as they did 20 years ago. I’ve been listening to it as I do other work. It  includes a discussion of the basics of money, a history of the Fed, and a discussion of fiat money, inflation, and related topics. Interviewees include Joseph Salerno, Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. 

Of particular interest is the discussion on the 1993 proposed reforms to the Fed which would allow for an audit of the Fed and greater public access to FOMC discussions. Back in 1993, of course, such proposals were met with either universal indifference or scorn. By 2012, however, the idea of auditing the fed was receiving an altogether different reception, and in an effort to head off demands for more FOMC transparency, the Fed has felt the need to hold press conferences in recent years. 

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