Mises Wire

Chinese Translation of The Pure Time-Preference Theory of Interest

The Pure Time Preference Theory of Interest chinese

This project took three years to complete, and now, Chinese entrepreneur Xiong Yue presents the Chinese edition of Professor Jeffrey M. Herbener’s edited volume The Pure Time-Preference Theory Interest. Mr. Xiong is a true Austrian economist, he also studied with Jesús Huerta de Soto in Spain and has translated many Austrian titles into Chinese. The publisher of this translation is Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press.

The essays included in The Pure Time-Preference Theory of Interest “parse through the uniquely Austrian insight of the pure time-preference theory of interest, but more importantly go to the core of why modern central bank monetary engineering leaves the economy further from recovery while at the same time providing a Petri dish for speculation and malinvestment.”


Image Source: Mises Institute
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