Mises Wire

Cheering NPR

Cheering NPR
I never thought I’d be cheering NPR, but Michelle Norris really makes Sen. Baucus squirm. Sure her economic theory is off, but some of her questions are spot on.
Norris: “Will this stimulus package in the end add to the nation’s deficit woes?” Baucus: “Well ... it’s ... um ... My thought is ... It probably will initially, but all economists say we should do this. All ... I’m not saying all, the vast majority of economists say we should do this. We need to give the economy a little bit of a stimulus, a little bit of an increase. This is the advice we were given by economists. This is the advice we were given by business people. It’s I think the right thing to do at this point.”
The vast majority of economists, or just the Brain Trust? Didn’t Rothbard write a book about this? Funny how history repeats itself. Ok, it’s not actually funny -- more like ironic, but you get the point. Go NPR!
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