Keynes’s General Theory: A Solution in Search of a Problem
Even on its own terms, the General Theory must considered a failure, for the problem it purports to solve, involuntary unemployment, does not exist.
Socialism and the Anarchy of Production
Why is it impossible for anyone to develop a comprehensive plan of production as a whole? This article explains, applying the conclusion to the experience of the Soviet Union.
The Libertarian Legacy of the Old Right: Democracy and Representative Government
What is the relationship between libertarianism and democracy? This article unveils a well-consolidated tradition of criticism of democracy within libertarian political philosophy.
The Inescapability of Law, and of Mises, Rothbard, and Hoppe
The Murray Rothbard Memorial Lecture, delivered at the 2019 Austrian Economics Research Conference, discusses anarchistic arguments against the classical liberal and social democratic conceptions of the state.
The Heterodox “Fourth Paradigm” of Libertarianism: An Abstract Eleutherology Plus Critical Rationalism
Untangling the libertarian concepts of interpersonal liberty, this article proposes a new paradigm of libertarianism to solve the old one's problems.
A Practical Approach to Legal-Pluralist Anarchism: Eugen Ehrlich, Evgeny Pashukanis, and Meaningful Freedom through Incremental Jurisprudential Change
John Hasnas has argued that anarchy must be achieved gradually. The way to Hasnian anarchy or minarchy lies in the application of case law to decrease state power.
The JLS has been revived under a new editor and the same goal of expanding the role and understanding of libertarianism.