Lawrence McQuillan Explains the Policy Inferno Behind the California Wildfires
Lawrence McQuillan joins Bob to delve into the regulatory failures and mismanagement behind the wildfire crisis in California.
Lawrence McQuillan joins Bob to delve into the regulatory failures and mismanagement behind the wildfire crisis in California.
Michael Huemer’s book Progressive Myths takes the progressive worldviews to task, exposing them for their deceitfulness. As usual, the narratives do not fit the truth.
The author James Lindsay has gotten mileage by introducing the phrase “Woke Right” to describe certain ideological elements associated with the MAGA movement. The “woke” concepts coming from the left, however, are not the same, structurally speaking, as what conservatives are saying.
If we are to achieve peace, we must get rid of those entities that create havoc even while strengthening themselves politically. In a word, we need to get rid of the Fed.
Harry Jaffa suggested that Americans should adopt a “civil religion,” with Lincoln as a quasi-divine figure. This, of course, makes the state into a quasi-divine institution.
Marxism is seen by American and European intellectuals as being a sophisticated and legitimate set of theories that explains social problems in capitalist societies. Yet, the entire edifice of Marxism from “class conflict” to the Labor Theory of Value is nonsense.
Ryan and 'Crisis' magazine editor-in-chief Eric Sammons examine how many Christians pay too little attention to the true costs of war. Ryan and Eric also discuss the importance of Just War Theory.
In Europe, the working poor subsidize the nonworking poor. Meanwhile, the welfare state is destroying worker productivity and limiting economic growth.
While California politicians and the New York Times blame “climate change” for the disastrous wildfires in Los Angeles, the blame actually lies with those politicians themselves. Their policies have guaranteed that something like this would happen.
This contradicts months of claims from Jerome Powell who has insisted that price inflation was rapidly returning to the Fed's two-percent price inflation goal.