Power & Market

The State (Not Nina Jankowicz) Invented Disinformation

In recent weeks Americans have been debating, and appalled by, the Disinformation Governance Board set up by the Department of Homeland Security. The Disinformation Governance Board was established by the government to counter “disinformation” and present the “correct” view of current events.

The Disinformation Governance Board was “paused” by the federal government when it became clear that Nina Jankowicz (https://nypost.com/2022/04/29/biden-disinfo-czar-nina-jankowicz-ripped-over-tiktok/), who was chosen by the Department of Homeland Security to be the executive director of the Disinformation Governance Board, was herself guilty of proliferating disinformation—on behalf of her boss’s son. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/disinformation-head-nina-jankowicz-addresses-hunter-biden-laptop-remarks/ar-AAWGM7G)

After intense criticism from Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, and a raft of other pundits and average people, Jankowicz resigned from the Disinformation Governance Board in disgrace. (She blamed “disinformation” for her departure.( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10837567/Nina-Jankowicz-blames-DISINFORMATION-resignation-Bidens-disinformation-board.html))

Nina Jankowicz’s resignation was a good thing for freedom. The Disinformation Governance Board should never have existed in the first place. But in focusing on the TikTok-loving Jankowicz (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/29/joe-bidens-disinformation-chief-nina-jankowicz-playacted-her-male-trolls-tiktok/) we lose sight of the real problem with the Disinformation Governance Board. The problem is not Jankowicz, and not even the Board. It’s that the state—any state—is fundamentally incapable of not disseminating disinformation.

Why not? Because the state is disinformation. Without disinformation, there would be no state. One TikTokking statist is out of a job, which is wonderful. But why stop with Nina Jankowicz? Why not call a spade a spade and admit that the federal government which created Jankowicz’s position is also illegitimate and built on lies?

Consider how a state begins and how it perpetuates itself. From the first moment, a state is disinformation. A state is parasitic on human labor. Statists steal our money and the things we produce, period. Statists have big weapons and small consciences, and they come around, village to village and door to door, and demand tribute as the sensible alternative to armed robbery. There are any number of justifications for this. The statist needs our money to protect us (from other statists), the statist is appointed by God, the statist is a god, the statist is the state, the statist’s ancestors have always sat on the throne paid for by our and our ancestors’ stolen property, and so forth. When the inevitable clash with rival statists comes, the statist cranks up the tax rate, clamps us in helmets and chainmail, and sends us to loot our neighbors. All for the “security” of the “homeland.”

But all of this is disinformation. The fundamental bait-and-switch of the state is that gangsters are kings or presidents, that theft is taxation, and that dying to protect statists from other statists is patriotic. That is the bedrock disinformation on which the state rests. Once question that original disinformation, and the state comes tumbling down (usually taking a lot of innocent people down with it). Seen this way, it becomes obvious why states must resort to “disinformation boards” and the like. Without a monopoly on propaganda, the state is revealed as just a common criminal.

The state is just this, disinformation backed by violence, violence justified by disinformation. Don’t believe me? Reach into your wallet and take out a dollar bill (if you have any left a year and a half into the Biden regime). That piece of paper is a certificate of disinformation. It is phony money. It is a scam. It is a receipt entitling the bearer to one byte of disinformation from the state’s central bank (which contains nothing of value and which is parasitic on the state which is parasitic on us). Every dollar bill the state issues is fake news. But what happens if you say so? Someone like Nina Jankowicz accuses you of conspiracy theories and sowing disinformation. You could easily end up in jail for pointing out that the emperor has no clothes, and that his currency is a lie.

There are many other lies besides this. FOIA is a wonderful thing, it has pulled back the curtain on statism and shown us the true nature of “governance.” Investigative journalists like Peter Schweizer and Tom Fitton, and regular people of all backgrounds, use FOIA to expose what the state does behind our backs. For example, FOIA has helped reveal that the Attorney General of the United States (doesn’t that title sound grand?) thinks that parents asking school boards not to indoctrinate their children are “domestic terrorists”. (https://reason.com/2021/10/06/ag-merrick-garland-fbi-critical-race-theory-parents-schools-domestic-terrorists/)

However exalted the bureaucratic station, it is beneath our human dignity to go along with outrageous calumnies like these. We owe no loyalty to our enslavers, to those who take from us on pain of violence and under cover of lies. We don’t have to play along with the statists who give themselves exalted titles and pin medals on one another for their skill in raiding and plundering other statists’ slaves. The state is disinformation. FOIA is showing that when the state is deprived of its fundamental prerogative—the disinformation prerogative—it lashes out and cracks down. This is the state in full. It lies to us and steals what we produce. It always has, and it always will.

Truth is not the first casualty of war. It is the first casualty of the state. The wars come later, once the state has fattened itself on its takings from all of us.

Nina Jankowicz has resigned as the executive director of the Disinformation Governance Board. Banzai! But when will the state itself admit that it is a liar and also go away?

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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