Power & Market

The Plot To Use Illegal Immigrants To Destroy Our Freedom

Brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers plan to steal whatever number of votes is needed to “win” the 2024 election for President. But what happens if they push the American people too far? They might think of sending in troops to suppress resistance, just as Lincoln did in the War Between the States, but what if American soldiers refuse to fire on their fellow Americans? Our enemies have an answer. They plan to allow illegal immigrants from Third World countries to join the armed forces. They will have no loyalty to Americans and won’t hesitate to kill them.

Samantha Chang, writing in the Western Journal, explains:

“A 79-year-old Democrat who has been feeding at the public trough for more than four decades wants to give the unvetted armies of illegal aliens invading the southern border access to guns and military intel.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois advanced the harebrained proposal Monday during a speech on the Senate floor.

He claimed giving citizenship in exchange for military service to the migrant mobs breaking federal laws to sneak into the United States would enhance national security.

“Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the Army, Navy, and the Air Force? They can’t reach their quotas each month. They can’t find enough people to join our military forces,” the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said.

“And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country. Should we give them a chance? I think we should.”

Let this sink in: Durbin — a “gun-control” advocate who’s spent a career trying to restrict Americans’ Second Amendment right to self-defense — thinks it’s a great idea to arm foreign nationals whose first act in this country was to break its laws.

Not only that, but he wants to give illegal aliens access to sensitive military weapons and information networks — in the name of bolstering “national security.” Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Arming Illegal Immigrants, Providing Them with Military Training (msn.com)

Here is Durbin’s speech:

Read the full article on LewRockwell.com.

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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