For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto

Appendix: The Libertarian Movement

In the last half-dozen years, the growing and expanding libertarian movement has evolved into an infrastructure of groups, organizations, periodicals, and institutions, each performing different and vital functions that contribute to the overall goal. This appendix provides an annotated outline of these groups and institutions.


1. The Libertarian Party
1516P Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005

The Libertarian party is the political-action arm of the movement. Its candidates in 1978 gained a 1.25 million votes throughout the country, and it elected a member of the Alaska House of Representatives. Its 1976 presidential ticket of Roger MacBride and David Bergland was on the ballot in 32 states and garnered 174,000 votes — more than any party besides the Democratic and Republican. It is the major mass organization and focus for libertarian activity. Its bimonthly newspaper, LP News, the LP platform, and numerous LP position papers on critical issues are available at the above address.

2. Young Libertarian Alliance
1516 P Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005

The youth affiliate of the Libertarian party. It organized scores of college campuses in 1976 on behalf of the MacBride-Bergland ticket. The YLA issues a tabloid newspaper, Outlook, which has had hundreds of thousands of copies distributed throughout the country. [p. 323]

3. Students for a Libertarian Society
1620 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

A new student organization which organizes libertarian clubs on college campuses. Devoted to ideology and activity, but not affiliated or associated with any political party.

4. Libertarian Review
1620 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

This is the most important monthly magazine for libertarians and those interested in libertarianism. Hard-hitting, professional, devoted to libertarian analyses of current national and world problems as well as news of the movement, interviews, and books reviews.

5. The Libertarian Forum
Box 341 Madison Square Station
New York, New York 10010

A hard-hitting bi-monthly newsletter featuring editorials and articles by the editor, Murray N. Rothbard, and others, presenting a libertarian analysis of current events as well as news and critiques of the movement.

6. The Center for Libertarian Studies
200 Park Avenue South Suite 911
New York, New York 10003

The focal point for libertarian scholarship. The CLS holds annual Libertarian Scholars Conferences, and other conferences on special topics. It publishes the Journal of Libertarian Studies, a quarterly scholarly journal devoted to all the scholarly disciplines which impinge upon libertarianism; Occasional Papers, a series of original and reprint pamphlets; In Pursuit of Liberty, a periodical newsletter of CLS activities; and an Austrian Economics Newsletter, devoted to news of the free-market “Austrian School” of economics.

7. Reason Magazine
Box 40105
Santa Barbara, California 93103

A professionally done libertarian monthly, with a moderate approach to political problems.

8. Frontlines
Box 40105
Santa Barbara, California 93103 [p. 324]

New monthly newsletter with news, gossip, and opinion about the libertarian movement.

9. Literature of Liberty
1700 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

A scholarly quarterly journal which provides bibliographical essays by leading scholars, as well as informative abstracts of all articles in scholarly journals which serve to advance the discipline of libertarianism. Indispensable for keeping up with what is happening in the scholarly literature.

10. Laissez-Faire Books
206 Mercer Street
New York, New York 10012

The leading libertarian bookstore and a means for mail-order purchases of books. Issues a periodic catalogue of its offerings, with annotations and brief reviews of new books.

Then there are numerous other organizations, foundations, and publications which are not designedly libertarian, but which often take stands in a strongly libertarian direction. Among the best of these are:

11. The National Taxpayers Union
325 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20003

The National Taxpayers Union is a nationwide membership organization that lobbies in Washington for lower taxes and lower government spending in every area.

12. The Campaign for Political Rights
201 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Room 112
Washington, D.C. 20002

A coalition of organizations, including the Libertarian party, dedicated to ending spying on political dissidents by the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies.

13. Amnesty International
2112 Broadway, Room 309
New York, NY 10023

An international organization dedicated to exposing and struggling against the incarceration and torture of political prisoners by any government in the world. [p. 325]

14. Association of Libertarian Feminists
41 Union Square West Suite 1428
New York, New York 10003

This group was founded by 1972 Libertarian party vice presidential candidate Tonie Nathan, the only woman in United States history to have received a vote in the electoral college. ALF is a national organization concerned with feminist issues as well as libertarianism.

15. Inquiry Magazine
1700 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

A highly respected biweekly that concentrates on analyzing civil liberties and foreign policy questions from perspectives that will be of interest to libertarians. Edited by long-time libertarian activist Williamson Evers.

16. Center for Independent Education
c/o Institute for Humane Studies
1177 University Drive
Menlo Park, California 94025

CIE is the only organization devoted solely to the libertarian objective of privatizing our educational system. It sponsors scholarly papers and conducts conferences which analyze the private alternatives to public education.

17. Cato Institute
1700 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

A rapidly growing public policy research foundation dedicated to “preserving and extending social and economic freedom.” In addition to producing public policy studies, the Cato Institute holds seminars and produces “Byline,” a daily radio program that is heard on over one hundred stations across the country. Several prominent libertarians are among its staff. [p. 326] [p. 327] [p. 328] [p. 329]