Mises Wire

Week in Review: April 29, 2017

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Last weekend the left took to the streets to March for Science. Unfortunately, as Jonathan Newman noted this week, it was really a march for scientism by those who want to see bigger government. This is hardly a surprise, socialism has long relied upon propagandists seeking to disguise their desire for power under the false banner of intellectualism.

Of course the aim for public intellectuals like Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the same aim of Antifa protesters in Berkley, shutting down debate with those they disagree with. 

In Theory and History, Ludwig von Mises wrote about this Marxist desire for silencing dissent:

This formula for the solution of conflicts of value judgments is certainly not new. It is a device known and practiced from time immemorial. Kill the infidels! Burn the heretics! What is new is merely the fact that today it is sold to the public under the label of “science.”

On Mises Weekends this week, Jeff is joined by Jonathan Newman to discuss the new wave of Fake Science. They cover the recent March for Science — and how politicized pseudoscience peddled by the likes of Bill Nye silences debate and drives dubious public policy.

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And in case you missed them, here are this weeks Mises Wire articles, covering a wide array of topics including the NFL draft, false science, history, the French election, and the Fed.

Image Source: Phil Roeder flickr.com/photos/tabor-roeder/
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