Mises Wire

Student Begs For Financial Relief from Her $200,000 Sociology Degree

Student Begs For Financial Relief from Her $200,000 Sociology Degree

From article,

Kelli Space, 23, graduated from Northeastern University in 2009 with a bachelor’s in sociology — and a whopping $200,000 in student loan debt. Space, who lives with her parents and works full-time, put up a Web site called TwoHundredThou.com soliciting donations to help meet her debt obligation, which is $891 a month. That number jumps to $1,600 next November.

Regardless of your stance on student loan justice, the question that is never raised is who in their right mind would give a $200,000 loan to a twenty year old sociology major in absence of federal subsidies and government shelters for student loans? College is no longer an investment in your future; it’s 21st century indentured servitude!

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