Mises Wire

Some Recently Translated ‘Mises Daily’ Articles from South America

Latin American political divisions

Our friends at other Mises Institutes around the globe seem to be really churning out the new translations these days. Here are several new ones:


Cinco lições sobre o referendo escocês“ translated from “Five Lessons Learned from the Scottish Referendum“ by Ryan McMaken.

A secessão de um país depende do tamanho do seu território?” translated from  ”Is Scotland Big Enough to Go it Alone?“ by Peter St. Onge.

O que causou a grande fome da Irlanda?“ translated from “What Caused the Irish Potato Famine“ by Mark Thornton.


Andy Duncan explica la farsa de la independencia para el UKIP y Escocia“ translated from “Andy Duncan Explains The Charade of Independence for UKIP and Scotland.”

“Cómo las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro mejoran las libertades y los mercados” translated from “How Non-Profits Enhance Freedom and Markets“ by Karen De Coster.

Una visión internacional de la prohibición de las drogas: Una entrevista con Mark Thornton“ translated from “An International View of Drug Prohibition: An Interview with Mark Thornton.”

La ética del emprendimiento y el beneficio“ translated from “The Ethics of Entrepreneurship and Profit“ by Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

La economía de la secesión escocesa“ translated from “The Economics of Scottish Secession“ by Ryan McMaken.

Las sanciones de EEUU a Rusia pueden hundir el dólar“ translated from “US Sanctions on Russia May Sink the Dollar“ by Ron Paul.

Los costes del salario mínimo que no se ven“ translated from “The Unseen Costs of the Minimum Wage“ by Josh Grossman.

¿Es este el momento de los libertarios?“ translated from “Is This the Libertarian Moment?“ by Lew Rockwell.

Los guerreros de la droga afirman que Colorado va a la hierba“ translated from “Drug Warriors Claim Colorado Going to Pot“ by Mark Thornton.

¿Es Escocia lo suficientemente grande como para ir sola?“ translated from  ”Is Scotland Big Enough to Go it Alone?“ by Peter St. Onge.

Cómo hacer más caros los bienes: Ir a por los camioneros“ translated from “How to Make Goods More Expensive: Target Truckers“ by Salmaan Khan.

La economía de Cazadores de tesoros“ translated from “The Economics of American Pickers“ by Joel Poindexter.

Un libro de texto austriaco nuevo para todos los economistas“ translated from “A New Austrian Textbook for All Economists“ by Randall Holcombe.

Diez razones para condenar la inflación“ translated from “Ten Reasons to Condemn Inflation“ by Andreas Marquart (which is itself a translation of the original German article.)

¿Deben los defensores del libre mercado rechazar el calentamiento global?“ translated from “Must Free-Marketers Reject Global Warming?“ by Ryan McMaken.

Austriacos, reservas fraccionarias y el multiplicador del dinero“ translated from “Austrians, Fractional Reserves, and the Money Multiplier“ by Robert Batemarco.

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