Mises Wire

Robert Mulligan to be Dean of School of Business and Economics at Indiana University East

bob mulligan

Robert Mulligan, longtime Associated Scholar of the Mises Institute will join Indiana University East this summer as the new Dean of the School of Business and Economics, beginning July 1, 2016:

Currently, Mulligan is the acting associate graduate dean for the School of Graduate Studies & Research at Western Carolina University, a role he has held for the past year. He has been with Western Carolina University since 1997 when he started as an assistant professor of economics. Mulligan received the rank of professor of economics in 2008. He has served as the head of the Department of Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, & Economics from 2011–2014.

Before joining Western Carolina University, Mulligan was an assistant dean for the Gabelli School of Business at Roger Williams University, and he formerly worked at Clarkson University as a visiting assistant professor of economics. He has also worked with the military as a U.S.A.F. Civil Engineering Officer at Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington and Osan Air Base in Korea.

Mulligan has refereed, reviewed, and written several academic articles for publication in journals and newspapers. He has received a number of academic awards and honors, including the Excellence in Research Award from the College of Business and the BB&T Faculty Research Grant for the Study of Leadership, Ethics, and Capitalism from Western Carolina University, both in 2015.


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