Mises Wire

The Pot Vote?

Marijuna - yes of no

This has been a great election season. I don’t watch much local TV so I have not been inundated with the attack ads. Very few yard signs. Very little political discussion within my group of friends and colleagues. Additional good news is that the American people hate the Congress, support for the President is tanking so bad that he is not on the real campaign trail, and there is a general disgust for the special interest groups and their attack ads. The only thing I am really interested is the votes to legalize marijuana. Several states and local jurisdictions have marijuana and medical marijuana ballot measures up for a vote.

The ballot measure in Washington DC is looking good, but limited polling makes it too hard to call in Alaska, Oregon and Florida. Prop 47 in California which makes possession a misdemeanor is passing. My sense is that the anti-legalization side is spending more money and is using misleading advertisements and has dampened support for legalization. In Florida you need 60% of the vote for it to pass so it is in trouble of not passing.

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