Mises Wire

New Translations from the Mises Institute of The Netherlands

New Translations from the Mises Institute of The Netherlands
This link is from the Mises Institute in the Netherlands: http://mises.nl/de-kloof-tussen-zichtbare-en-echte-zorgkosten-over-het-topje-en-de-ijsberg/  and is based on this video by Peter Klein (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6mtJmWVIds) of which I made a transcript first. That article is linked with the second video by Peter Klein on this subject (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCy4mnw_XO4) but the Mises Institute has not placed that article yet. This link is to my own website: http://willemcornax.nl/de-gevolgen-van-een-definitie/ The Piketty articles are on my own website. I do not know if that is entirely the purpose of your post, since I am not a Mises Institute. http://willemcornax.nl/piketty-de-anti-kapitalistische-mentaliteit-en-mises/ http://willemcornax.nl/piketty-en-afnemende-welvaart/ http://willemcornax.nl/piketty-over-ongelijkheid/ http://willemcornax.nl/kapitaal-volgens-piketty-en-daadwerkelijk-kapitaal/ http://willemcornax.nl/de-onwaarschijnlijke-data-van-thomas-piketty/ http://willemcornax.nl/piketty-en-kapitaal/ http://willemcornax.nl/het-sensationele-boek-van-thomas-piketty/ They are, by the way all attributed to their original writer and it is mentioned what the source of these articles is. Than the following came to mind yesterday. Can I write a Mises Daily? The matter is as follows. A close friend and I are currently translating George Reisman his monograph on Piketty to Dutch, with his permission. We are trying to have it digitally published before the end of October. Why that time period? Because than the Dutch translation of Capital in the XXIst century will be published here in the Netherlands. Of course it has created tremendeous buzz last year and will likely do sort of the same thing this year with the dutch translation.
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