Mises Wire

Nature Meets Doom 3, Succumbs To Discombobulation

Nature Meets Doom 3, Succumbs To Discombobulation

Hunting via Internet? Officials wary - Computer controls rifle-camera combination:

HOUSTON - Hunters soon may be able to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet, a prospect that has state wildlife officials up in arms. A controversial Web site, http:/www.live-shot.com, already offers target practice with a .22 caliber rifle and could soon let hunters shoot at deer, antelope and wild pigs, site creator John Underwood said on Tuesday.

Oddly enough it is the Kansas State Song which encompases this innovative Texas mentality properly:

Home, Home on the Range, where the Deer and the Antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the sky is not clouded all day.
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