Mises Wire

Higher Education: Where The Customer Ain’t King

Higher Education: Where The Customer Ain’t King


Imagine hiring a private tutor, and then, after the fact, the tutor decides that in addition to the regular course work, you must watch a video of a propaganda speech by some politicians. This is of course no different, from higher education adminsitrators deciding that students must sit for an extraneous speech by some bureaucrat. Except in the case of the higher education, the organization is spending six figures to bring in the speaker.

The economic relationship between the instructor and the student is no difference than a person ordering french fries at the Burger King counter and the kid who services up the fries. Sure, the complexity of the instructor’s work is greater, but the relationship is no different. The student pays a fee for a service just as the diner at Burger King. The student is a customer or client. He or she is not a child to the faculty, or some sort ward of the faculty. The faculty is the hired help.    

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