Next month, we will host the Austrian Economics Research Conference (AERC), one of our most important programs. We’ll have 32 students attending, and 26 students will deliver papers of their own. How encouraging!
Dr. Joseph Salerno, our Academic Vice President, says: “The students who present papers at AERC are of the highest quality. They are attracted by a scholarly competition offering generous monetary awards in which paper submissions are subjected to a rigorous evaluation by a committee of senior Austrian scholars. A paper presentation at AERC to an audience of professional economists is an all-important first step for the student who aims to pursue an academic career.”
Universities are full of leftists as we know. Dr. Salerno points out that the leftists have an advantage because mainstream academia lives on government subsidies and incestuously funds their own with conferences and journals. Our Austrian students have far fewer opportunities.
Hence the AERC. Over the last 30 years, this conference has been the first step to a career in academia for many Austrian scholars.
Please consider funding scholarships for the best and brightest to come to AERC. A participant scholarship—which includes admission and meals—is $335. A scholarship for a presenting student—which also includes 3 nights at the Auburn University Hotel—is $725. Of course, we would be grateful for a donation in any amount. These students need your help.
Read what a few of our students have to say about AERC:
“Thank you sincerely for making this event possible. It has genuinely altered the course of my life. At this conference, I got to meet many of my intellectual heroes!”
–Guriy Borodkin, Loyola University New Orleans
“Thanks to your support, I can take in the best scholarship in the modern Austrian School as an antidote to the propganda shared by ‘mainstream’ economics.”
–David Brady Jr., Florida Southern College
“The AERC has been enlightening: over the past few days, I’ve talked endlessly about the nuances of libertarian philosophy and economic thought—and I’ve loved every minute of it!”
–Nolan Albanese, Ohio State University
PS: If you donate $335 or more, you will receive a thank you note from the AERC student you help.