Mises Wire

Book Rips Federal Regulations

Book Rips Federal Regulations

Fox News reviews “a terrific new book by Washington Post reporter Cindy Skrzycki (search ) called The Regulators:  Anonymous Power Brokers in American Politics, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.)”.  According to the review the book makes the point that there are a lot of regulations and that they are difficult for businesses to comply with. 

The book gives a more sophisticated understanding of the regulatory process, showing how it benefits some businesses at the expense of others, and that some may even become advocates of regulation in order to create barriers to competition.  The reviewer also finds some public choice insights in the book:

Since about the time of the New Deal, Congress has been delegating vast lawmaking powers to the ever-expanding roster of federal agencies, mainly because Congress wants to pass more laws than it has time to actually vote on.

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