Resurrecting Marx

David Gordon

The collapse of socialism didn’t deter the Marxists, who moved on to invent new rationales for their system. But David Gordon has caught up with them, and used the knife of the Austrian School to cut their theories to pieces. A masterful demonstration of philosophical technique. The book in particular addresses the arguments of the analytical Marxists: G.A. Cohen, Jon Elster, and John Roemer.


Meet the Author
David Gordon
David Gordon

David Gordon is Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute and editor of the Mises Review.

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Rebellion: How Antiliberalism Is Tearing America Apart—Again by Robert Kagan Alfred A. Knopf, 2024; 243 pp. Robert Kagan, a senior fellow of the Brookings Institution, has acquired over several...
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How Nations Escape Poverty: Vietnam, Poland, and the Origins of Prosperity by Rainer Zitelmann Encounter Books, 2024; xiii + 212 pp. Rainer Zitelmann has a well-deserved reputation as a defender of the free market; few, if any, can match his immense
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