
Displaying 141 - 160 of 773
David Gordon
It’s likely that many readers of The Austrian support the free market and also support “traditional” social values, but in Patrick Deneen’s opinion, this is an unstable amalgam. Deneen, a political theorist who teaches at Notre Dame, thinks that...
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Ludwig von Mises
Mises’s book Socialism might be the bravest and most revolutionary book of the 20th century. Here is the 1932 second edition of the German original.
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Vervon Orval Watts
The very idea of “educating the masses” is inconsistent with the ideals of freedom and individualism to which we give lip service. Who are “the masses”? Can the term be more appropriately applied to others than to ourselves? We are all...
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Charles Duncombe
From the author: If you desire to perpetuate republican institutions in the United States; if you have studied the political history of our country, and become thoroughly acquainted with the elementary principles of our government; and if you...
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Trygve J.B. Hoff
First published in Norwegian in 1938, the English translation of Hoff’s work didn’t appear until 1949, and was not widely available. As a survey of the debate on socialist calculation, and a defense of the pure Mises-Hayek position, this work...
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Murray N. Rothbard
After Murray Rothbard finished his theoretical magnum opus — Man, Economy, and State — he turned his attention away from pure positive theory toward dealing with the opposition to Austrian theory. The result was a long series of fantastic...
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Ludwig von Mises
When Mises was 81 years old, he was invited to address a student rally at Madison Square Garden that was sponsored by the Young Americans for Freedom. He readily accepted. He prepared an address that those in attendance would never forget. He...