
Displaying 661 - 680 of 770
From the Introduction by Joseph T. Salerno and Matthew McCaffrey. Few economists manage to produce a body of work that boasts a serious following twenty years after their deaths. Murray N. Rothbard is a rare exception. More than two decades...
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From the Introduction by Joseph T. Salerno and Matthew McCaffrey. Few economists manage to produce a body of work that boasts a serious following twenty years after their deaths. Murray N. Rothbard is a rare exception. More than two decades...
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Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson’s remarkable classic, The School of Salamanca, posed an extraordinary challenge when it first appeared in 1952. The book is not only a pioneering presentation of this lost school of monetary theory — fantastic thinkers...
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Alexander Gray
Alexander Gray (1882–1968) was a British economist with a particularly keen appreciation of the Austrian contribution to the history of ideas. As with others of his generation, he was super well-educated and an outstanding stylist of the English...
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Randolph Bourne
If somehow, suddenly, Randolph Bourne were alive again in today’s world , he would not be as bewildered or as bewildering as some of those who did not die. Though it is perilous to draw parallels between historical periods, it is safe to say...
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Franz Oppenheimer
The author sought to overthrow centuries of fallacious thinking on the subject of the state’s origin, nature, and purpose, put its it place a view of the state that constitutes a foundational attack on the structure of modern society. He utterly...
Albert Jay Nock
Alber Jay Nock is an aristocrat who sees the state as the enemy of all that is beautiful and true, an effortless anarchist who lives and breathes ancient wisdom, an opinionated essayist who draws the reader in through anecdotes and stories...
Sir Ernest Benn
From the author: The following pages are concerned with the re-statement of old principles illustrated by examples selected from the happenings of the last forty years. In the Welfare State manufacturing delays contrast strangely with the speed...
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William H. Hutt
The classic from the great labor economist W.H. Hutt argues that it is not the strike but the strike threat that makes unions so incredibly costly to American prosperity. It hangs over unionized companies like the sword of Damocles, intimidating...
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W. M. Curtiss
Tariffs are only one of the many restrictions to trade throughout the world. For many years, they were perhaps the most important restriction; but more recently, their importance has been overshadowed by such modern- innovations as exchange...
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William H. Hutt
In 1930, W.H. Hutt demonstrated several spectacular points: labor unions cannot lift wages overall; their earnings come at the expense of the consumer; their effect is to cartelize business and reduce free competition to the detriment of...
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