President’s Impact Report — Fourth Quarter 2023

Mises Book Club

The Mises Book Club was founded to help interested students build an in-depth understanding of Austrian economics and the accompanying arguments for a free society. To reach this goal, selected texts from the rich Austrian and anarchocapitalist traditions are used. The inaugural Mises Book Club was led by Dr. Jonathan Newman, Mises Institute Henry Hazlitt Research Fellow, and thoroughly discussed Murray Rothbard’s influential book For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto. Thanks to the Dean and Cam Williams Foundation for making this new program available.

Mises Events

The White House, the Fed, and the Economy: Mises Circle in Fort Myers, FL
On November 4, the Mises Institute was in Fort Myers, Florida, to discuss how to cut through the upcoming campaign talking points and offer an uncompromising look at what is ahead for us in 2024.

Speakers were:

Jonathan Newman, “The Radical Uncertainty of a Polymorphic Fed”
Murray Sabrin, “The Oil Price-Stock Market Connection, the 100 Year Financial Cycle, and the Next Crash”
Patrick Newman, “Are We Headed for a Recession in 2024?”

Supporter’s Summit: The End of the Dollar Era
In October, we hosted our annual Supporters Summit in Auburn, Alabama. This year’s focus was on the end of the dollar era, a topic inspired by the continuing inflationary challenges Americans fear at home and the growing disillusionment with the dollar’s role in the economy abroad.

Speakers included Naomi Wolf, Joe Salerno, Paul Gottfried, Jonathan Newman, Walter Block, Mark Thornton, Peter Klein, Shawn Ritenour, David Stockman, David Gordon, Patrick Newman, Timothy Terrell, Alex Pollock, Jeff Herbener, Tom DiLorenzo, and Guido Hülsmann.

Special thanks to our Host Committee: Harvey and Mei Allison, Bryan Lee Briggs, Mitch Cantor and Patricia Coronado, Chris Condon, Andy Hord, Ben and Joan Koether, and Steve and Cassandra Torello.

Mises Scholars

Dr. Jonathan Newman spoke to Liran Touitou’s more than 2,000-member libertarian Telegram group. It was recorded and later translated to make it available online to his followers. The topic was “The Threat of CBDC from both a Privacy and Monetary Policy Perspective.”

Additionally, on November 14–15, Dr. Newman spoke to the Oklahoma State University Free Enterprise Society on “How the Fed Disrupts and Corrupts Society.” During his visit to Stillwater, he conducted a research presentation on the impact of hyperinflation on Zimbabwean workers for PhD students and led a discussion of Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money? Mises Institute Senior Fellow Per Bylund was present, as were several Mises University alums, including Landen Terrell and Ryan Turnipseed, the President of the OSU FES.

Dr. Mark Thornton was invited to give a senior-level law and economics course at Penn State-Erie using his book, The Economics of Prohibition. Professor David Dieteman has been using this book in his classroom for thirty years. He has also sent students to Mises University and AERC. Dr. Thornton said “It was pleasing to receive excellent questions from the students and to observe the book being utilized as a textbook.”

Publishing and Bookstore

In The Progressive Road to Socialism, a new booklet by Dr. Joseph Salerno builds upon Rothbard’s work to expose the threat of modern progressivism, which seeks “to combine socialism with the appealing virtues of ‘democracy’ and freedom of inquiry.” Year-end donors of $25 or more received a physical copy of the booklet.

The Mises Bookstore added Principles of Economics by Saifedean Ammous to its expanding list of must-read titles.

Beginners Videos

The four previous beginner’s video series have been successful beyond our wildest hopes with hundreds of thousands of views. Our fifth series, The Costs of the Progressives, is already doing well and is on par to be just as successful as the others. These short, animated video series are constructed to cut through the clutter and in thirty minutes teach and clarify often-misunderstood topics.

The new episodes of The Costs of the Progressives undermine many commonly held myths: Individualism vs. Progressivism, Factory-Model Schools, Progressive Education, Public School versus Homeschooling, and the Baby Formula Shortage and Regulations, and the Food Pyramid.

To watch the whole series go to

Thanks to Jim Kluttz for sponsoring these video series.

Mises Media

Top 10 Podcasts and Lecture Audio

The Structure of Production by Murray Rothbard (from the Introduction to Microeconomics, 1986) 47,129 downloads
Epilogue to Part V by Murray Rothbard (from A History of Money and Banking the United States before the Twentieth Century, 2011) 38,904
Why I Have Hope by Ron Paul (Audio Mises Daily, 2016) 28,584
Responding to Yaron Brook’s Critique of Anarcho-Capitalism (The Human Action Podcast) 25,040
Diving Deeper into the Fed’s Trillion Dollar Loss (The Human Action Podcast) 24,571
How Is the Fed Insolvent and Why Should We Care? (The Human Action Podcast) 23,610
Why the National Debt is Now Threatening the Regime (Radio Rothbard) 23,103
The Political Consequences of the Welfare State Ludwig von Mises (from the Mont Pelerin Society, 1958) 23,044
Language and the Inflation Debates Ludwig von Mises (from the Mont Pelerin Society, 1958) 22,682
The Federal Reserve Turns 110: A Review of the Damage Done(Radio Rothbard) 22,420

Top 10 PDF Downloads

Human Action by Ludwig von Mises 152,913 downloads
Progress and Poverty by Henry George 21,063
Introduction to Economics by John V. Van Sickle and Benjamin A. Rogge 18,437
The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig von Mises 18,315
The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill 15,925
Principles of Economics by Carl Menger 14,418
La Sabiduria de los Estoicos by Frances and Henry Hazlitt 13,895
Nationalökonomie Theorie des Handelns und Wirtschaftens by Ludwig von Mises 12,484
The Economics of Inflation: A Study of Currency Depreciation in Post-War Germany by Costantino Bresciani-Turroni 10,749
Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn 9,267

Top 10 YouTube Video Views

The Treasury is Running Out of Creditors (The Human Action Podcast) 72,454 downloads
An Evening with Dr. Naomi Wolf (Supporters Summit) 35,240
What Is Capitalism?  (Economics for Beginners, 2020) 20,746
What is Economics? (Economics for Beginners, 2020) 11,244
Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve  (2006) 10,106
Co-Creator Explains Javier Milei’s Plan to Abolish the Central Bank (The Human Action Podcast) 9,682
The Military-Industrial Complex (America: From Republic to Empire, 2022) 8,863
What Is Socialism?  (Economics for Beginners, 2020) 8,795
The Creature from Jekyll Island (What Has Government Done to Our Money? 2022) 7,277
Responding to Yaron Brook’s Critique of Anarcho-Capitalism (The Human Action Podcast) 6,759

Top 10 Beginner Series Downloads

Individualism versus Progressivism (The Costs of the Progressives) 206,819
Factory-Model Schools and Progressive Education  (The Costs of the Progressives) 107,195
The Alliance of Throne and Altar  (America: From Republic to Empire, 2022) 65,660
Public School vs. Homeschooling (The Costs of the Progressives) 46,073
Standing Armies (America: From Republic to Empire) 40,080
What is Socialism?  (Economics for Beginners, 2020) 34,407
What is Profit?  (Economics for Beginners, 2020) 33,907
The Baby Formula Shortage and Regulations  (The Costs of Progressives) 33,364
Economics for Beginners (Economics for Beginners, 2020)  31,352
Why Experts Can’t Predict the Future (Economics for Beginners, 2020) 29,437

Mises Wire

Top Performing New Articles on the Mises Wire

The Money Supply Continues its Biggest Collapse Since the Great Depression by Ryan McMaken 24,798
The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft by Zachary Yost 13,260
The House Showdown: Separating Truth from Outright Falsehoods  by Connor O’Keeffe 11,624
Battling Beasts and Bureaucrats: Naomi Wolf and the American Medical-Government Police State by David Gordon 11,018
Police Have No Duty to Protect You, Federal Court Affirms Yet Again  by Ryan McMaken (2018) 10,207
If the Economy Is So Great, Why Are Tax Revenues So Weak? by Ryan McMaken 9,446
As the US Treasury Runs Out of Creditors, Its Options Dwindle  by Jonathan Newman 7,900
The Interest Rate Shock Will Blow Up the Government’s Ponzi Game  by Jonathan Newman 7,662
Why the Falling Money Supply Hasn’t Yet Created Big Job Losses by Daniel Lacalle 6,180
Henry Kissinger: War Criminal and Enemy of Mankind  by Ryan McMaken 5,952

Social Media Statistics for 2023

Social media is a big part of how we spread our message in today’s world. Despite the growing censorship from large tech companies, the Mises Institute experienced significant growth in 2023 on X (Twitter) and Facebook.

857k views on X (formerly Twitter) per month

58.4k facebook views a month 

 Facebook followers: 224,004 (+2328)

X (Twitter) 176k followers (+10,000 followers)