War—Big Government's Best Friend: The Mises Circle at Furman University

Furman Mises Circle_2012
- Event

Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow

War doesn’t liberate; it enslaves. It is the state on overdrive: taxing, inflating, kidnapping, killing. Speakers from the Mises Institute explain why an anti-war spirit must always and everywhere be a key component to the defense of economic freedom.

The Program

9:00 a.m.  Registration and coffee, Mises Bookstore open

9:20 a.m.  Welcome, Douglas French

9:30 - 10:30 a.m.  Thomas DiLorenzo “The Genesis of the American Warfare State: 1861 - 1890”  

10:30 a.m.  Refreshments and discussion, Mises Bookstore open

10:45 - 11:45 a.m.  Robert Higgs “Not What Our Civics Teachers Told Us: The Relation of War and American Liberties”

11:45 a.m.  Refreshments and discussion, Mises Bookstore open

Noon - 1:00 p.m.  Thomas Woods “What War Does”

1:00 p.m.  Adjourn

The Mises Bookstore will be open 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.  Speakers are happy to autograph their books.

Additional Information

The sponsors of this event request that questions and comments during the sessions be limited to students. The speakers welcome discussion with Mises Institute Members during breaks.

Registration fee is $75 and includes sessions and refreshments ($25 fee applies to paid registrations needing to cancel and requesting refund). Full time students can apply for a student scholarship that covers sessions and refreshments.

Located in Watkins Room in the University Center of the Furman campus (#121 on this map). Parking available in Chapel Lot South (#17 on this map). Attire is Business casual.

Accommodations available at nearby Hampton Inn, call 864-834-5550.

Publicity Waiver: Registering for this event gives the Mises Institute permission to take photos, record videos, and receive statements of and from attendees for promotional purposes. By this authorization, attendees understand and agree that no participant shall receive remuneration and that all rights, title and interest to the photos, videos, and statements and use thereof belong to the Mises Institute.

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