Austrian Economics Research Conference 2025

AERC 2024
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The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School, bringing together leading scholars doing research in this vibrant and influential intellectual tradition. The conference is hosted by the Mises Institute at its campus in Auburn, Alabama, and is directed by Joseph Salerno, academic vice president of the Mises Institute and professor emeritus of economics at Pace University.

AERC 2025 will feature a special panel session on economics pedagogy. It’s not surprising that the clarity of the Austrian School extends to the classroom. Instead of being inundated with unrealistic assumptions and mathematical models, students of Austrian professors and teachers are introduced to a more intuitive and solid understanding of economics. The panel participants will discuss the best ways to teach economic concepts and highlight influential Austrian texts for the next generation.

The conference begins on Thursday, March 20, at the Auburn University Hotel with an informal welcome session from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. central time. This welcome session is limited to paid event attendees and presenters. Only registered attendees are permitted at the conference. No children under 16 years old are allowed. Registration takes place throughout the day on Friday, March 21, at the Mises Institute, 518 W Magnolia Avenue. Sessions begin Friday morning at the Mises Institute and continue throughout the day Friday and Saturday.

Named Lectures:

Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture: Hans-Hermann Hoppe (sponsored by Yousif Almoayyed)

Friedrich A. Hayek Memorial Lecture: Steve H. Hanke

Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture: Edward W. Fuller “Keynes: IS-LM, Socialism, and Modern Macroeconomics”

Murray N. Rothbard Memorial Lecture: Patrick Newman

Notable past lecturers include, among others, Murray Rothbard, Dominick Armentano, Caroline Baum, Walter Block, Brendan Brown, William Butos, Patrick Byrne, Gene Epstein, Nicolai Foss, Jim Grant, Ronald Hamowy, Robert Higgs, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Hunter Lewis, George Reisman, Paul Ruben, Peter Schiff, Jeremy Shearmur, Sudha Shenoy, Gerald Steele, David Stockman, John Tamny, Tom Woods, Bruce Yandle, and Leland Yeager.


Proposals for individual papers, complete paper sessions or symposia, and interactive workshops are encouraged. Papers should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from the group’s discussion. Preference will be given to recent papers that have not been presented at major conferences. Papers that have already been published are not eligible. All topics are related to Austrian economics, broadly conceived, and related social-science disciplines and business disciplines such as management, strategy, and entrepreneurship are appropriate for the conference. Submitted abstracts should clearly demonstrate the paper’s relevancy to Austrian economics and be limited to 250 words. Papers not adhering to these criteria will be rejected without further review. All proposals are peer reviewed by the AERC Program Committee. Proposals from junior faculty and PhD students are especially encouraged. Submit abstracts here by January 24, 2025. The notification deadline for accepted proposals is February 7, 2025.

Contests and Awards:

  • Lawrence W. Fertig Prize: $1,500 to the author who best advances economic science in the Austrian tradition. Please submit nominations here.
  • O.P. Alford III Prize: $1,500 to the author who best advances scholarship in the application of Austrian economic theory or libertarian theory to political, economic, or social issues. Please submit nominations here.
  • Kenneth Garschina Undergraduate Student Essay Contest: The Mises Institute is holding an essay contest for undergraduates on Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson. Entrants are encouraged to explore how Hazlitt’s “one lesson” applies to current issues and economic discourse. Essays should be no more than 5,000 words in length and double-spaced. Prizes of $1,500, $1,000, and $750 will be awarded to the top three essays. Prize winners will be invited to present their papers at AERC 2025, with conference registration fees waived and accommodations paid for (travel not included). Please submit your essay here by January 24, 2025. Students must also submit a student scholarship application here.
  • Kenneth Garschina Graduate Student Essay Contest: This essay competition is an opportunity for students already submitting their papers to the AERC and LSC conferences to win money! Essays should not be more than 10,000 words, exclusive of references; include an abstract of no more than 250 words; double-spaced; The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. encouraged. Prizes of $1,500, $1,000, and $750 will be awarded to the top three essays. Prize winners will be invited to present their papers at AERC 2025, with conference registration fees waived and accommodations paid for (travel not included).  Please submit your essay here by January 24, 2025. Students must also submit a student scholarship application here.

***Nominations for Fertig and Alford prizes should be published papers from within the last two years. Winners will be announced at the conference during the live broadcast.

Accommodations and Fees:

We have a special rate at the Auburn University Hotel of $175 per night, plus tax (for a single or double room). Use this link to book, or call (334) 821-8200 and mention the Mises Institute event by Monday, February 17 to secure this rate. Parking is available at the AU Hotel to guests at a rate of $10 per night self-parking or $15 per night valet parking.

For Faculty and Presenters, the early discounted registration fee is $335 (after March 1 the registration fee is $350.) The registration fee for Observers not presenting a paper is $395 per person. Registration covers all sessions, two receptions, two lunches, coffee breaks, and daily shuttles between the AU Hotel and the Institute. Observers are requested to refrain from questions or comments during sessions, but discussion is welcome during meals and breaks.

Please note: Attendees may register here for AERC 2025 only, or register for both AERC 2025 and LSC 2025, at no additional cost on the Libertarian Scholars Conference event page.

Email Felicia Jones with questions,


Most attendees fly into the Atlanta airport, which is an hour and 45 minutes north of Auburn. Atlanta is in the eastern time zone and Auburn is an hour behind in the central time zone. 

Shuttle between Atlanta airport and Auburn

Shuttle between Atlanta, Birmingham, Montgomery, or Columbus, GA airports and Auburn

Driving directions to Auburn

Publicity Waiver: Registering for this event gives the Mises Institute permission to take photos, record videos, and receive statements of and from attendees for promotional purposes. By this authorization, attendees understand and agree that no participant shall receive remuneration and that all rights, title and interest to the photos, videos, and statements and use thereof belong to the Mises Institute.

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