35th Anniversary Gala in New York City

View or download photos of the event at Mises.org/NYC35. Send your candid photos to chad@mises.org to include in the event album. Videos of the sessions will be posted on the Mises Youtube channel by October 20.
A printable final schedule is available here.
Imagine getting a star to be the intellectual heart of your tiny, new organization. And Murray Rothbard was much more than a star. He was one of the extraordinary men of the 20th century. A world-class genius in economics, history, and philosophy; an expert in sports and politics, strategy and tactics; a delightful movie reviewer and very funny guy, he created modern libertarianism and took Austrian economics to new heights. The power of his writing and the clarity of his thought continue to attract people from all over the world, every day, much to the upset of the Left.
Of course, in an age of Keynesianism and other evils, he was traduced and marginalized. He still is. The enemy understand his power. But it didn’t work. His achievement, his optimism, his spirit triumphed. Even SJW oligarchs couldn’t stop him.
The bad guys were able to make sure that, like Mises, he never had much money, nor an academic position remotely worthy of him. But the Marxists couldn’t silence him. Murray lives today through his 26 books and thousands of articles, through his example, and through the Mises Institute. So we thought it only right to dedicate our 35th anniversary to Murray.
Our magnificent list of speakers include: Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, Guido Hülsmann, Paul Gottfried, and Tom Woods. Also Joe Salerno, David Gordon, Bob Murphy, Peter Klein, Walter Block, Doug French, Tom DiLorenzo, Mark Thornton, Jeff Herbener, Yuri Maltsev, Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, and many others. (A complete list of speakers and contact info is here.)
There will be a hilarious bus tour of Murray’s (and Mises’s) Manhattan, with insider info from guides Walter Block, David Gordon, Hans Hoppe, Guido Hülsmann, and Joe Salerno; a Friday reception, Saturday lunch, pre-dinner reception, gala dinner, and Rothbard Night Owl Nightclub afterwards.
We’ll also be unveiling a brand-new and magnificent Rothbard book on the Progressives, from his archives. Talk about timely!
Please join us in the city of Rothbard, as we learn, have fun, and are inspired by Murray’s spirit for the fight ahead.
The registration fee for Mises Institute Members of $595 per person ($895 per couple) includes Friday late afternoon sessions and a reception following, Saturday sessions and lunch, Saturday black-tie-optional reception and closing dinner, and Rothbard Night Owl Nightclub. The tour of Murray’s and Mises’s Manhattan is $60 per person for registered attendees. By popular demand, a second tour bus has been added.
All sessions, receptions, and meals take place at the Hilton Midtown, 1335 Avenue of the Americas. After the event, photos can be downloaded at mises.org/NYC35
- Donors of $25,000 will be listed on the Host Committee for the event, with a private reception with speakers, private breakfast with speakers, VIP seating at the event, and a table for ten at the closing dinner.
- Donors of $10,000 will be listed on the Dinner Committee, with private reception with speakers, VIP seating at the event, and a table for ten at the closing dinner.
- Donors of $5,000 will be listed as a Speaker Sponsor, with private reception with speakers, VIP seating with speakers at lunch.
- Donations will also make it possible for students to attend on scholarship.
The Mises Bookstore will also be on-site, and speakers are happy to autograph their books.
Suggested advance reading: The Essential Rothbard. See the complete Rothbard bibliography and Guide to reading Rothbard.
The room block at the Hilton is full. For other hotels in the area, see this link. The Hilton Midtown is “A” at that link.
There are no remaining student scholarships.
Publicity Waiver: Registering for this event gives the Mises Institute permission to take photos, record videos, and receive statements of and from attendees for promotional purposes. By this authorization, attendees understand and agree that no participant shall receive remuneration and that all rights, title and interest to the photos, videos, and statements and use thereof belong to the Mises Institute.