Mises Wire

Alt-Right vs. Socialist Left: What It Means for Liberty

Jeff Deist at the 2016 Houston Mises Circle

Recorded at the Mises Circle in Houston, Texas, on 30 January 2016.

Will the libertarian message get swept under the rug over the next year, as the candidates unleash an orgy of statist rhetoric? Or are hopeful cracks beginning to show, as the two parties, mainstream media, academia, and PC enforcers increasingly lose credibility with the public?

As Murray Rothbard argued, libertarians by necessity should never allow themselves to get bogged down or depressed by the political landscape of the day. On the contrary, Murray argued, we should enjoy skewering the political class — and remain hopeful for the long-term prospects of liberty.

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Special thanks to Christopher Condon, TJ and Ida Goss, Terence Murphree, and an Anonymous Donor for making our event possible.

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