Monopoly and Competition

Displaying 461 - 470 of 615
Robert P. Murphy

The citizens of the US are not made richer by raising taxes or other barriers to foreign consumption goods, writes Robert Murphy, and this is true whether factors of production are immobile (as Ricardo assumed) or mobile. We should not fear the cost-cutting advancements in data transmission, or the improved skills and education of foreign workers. On the contrary, we should welcome these developments because they mean lower prices for imported goods and services, and hence a higher standard of living for Americans.

George Reisman

Writes George Reisman: If we follow the line of Schumer and Roberts, and their avowed mentor, Keynes, and instead of allowing ourselves to benefit from the competition of the rest of the world, seek to impede others' progress, we should not be surprised if we end up finding much of that intelligence and ability turned against us, in producing the weapons of future wars rather than the better and more economical consumers' goods it can and wants to produce and which we want to consume.

William L. Anderson

No, there are no economic agencies in this country like Gosplan, but the U.S. Government, as well as many state and local governments, engage in central economic planning all the same. As Bill Anderson tells us, in the end, it is still central economic planning and, not surprisingly, it does not work any better here than it did in the U.S.S.R.

D.W. MacKenzie

Complete privatization will not lead to ideal results, but it will unravel most of the anticompetitive practices that exist in the cable industry. The lesson that we should draw from the results of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is that efforts to partially privatize the industry are likely to retain those elements of regulations that benefit concentrated interests in business most.

Hans F. Sennholz

Competition is as wholesome in education as it is in manufacture and commerce, writes Hans Sennholz. Every school is an economic check on its competitors. However, government funding for higher education has dramatically changed the economics of this sector, vastly increasing costs, reducing service, and skewing curricula toward political ends.