Monetary Theory
The Sphere of Economic Calculation
Economic calculation requires a monetary system that is not sabotaged by government interference.
Thomas Paine on Paper Money
"Most of the advocates for tender laws are those who have debts to discharge, and who take refuge in such a law, to violate their contracts and cheat their creditors."
The Fallacy of Market Monetarism
The original monetarists (Milton Friedman), Scott Sumner, and problems with market monetarism.
There are two very effective ways to destroy an economy: hyperinflation and central planning.
The Many Evils of Inflation
Few people are aware of what the Federal Reserve System, acting on behalf of the U.S. Government, is doing to their money, writes Hans Sennholz.
On the Digital Future of Markets and Money
Digitization will undoubtedly bring great improvements and new opportunities for peoples’ lives. But digitization also has a downside.
Inflation Then vs. Now: Follow the Money
Bob Murphy and Ross McKitrick discuss the government policies, Fed actions, and banking movements that lead up to the 2008 crisis, and why the current economic situation is different.