Gold Standard

Displaying 371 - 380 of 421
Nikolay Gertchev

With the dollar down and gold up, both trends obviously related to growing fear of economic troubles ahead, the question again arises: why shouldn't the dollar itself be good as gold? It would be if the views of the classical-liberal tradition held sway. This tradition stands solidly behind a commodity money standard, like silver or gold, as the very definition of sound money.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

What is essential for us today is to continue the research, the writing, the advocacy for sound money, for a dollar that is as good as gold, for a monetary system that is separate from the state. It is a beautiful vision indeed, writes Lew Rockwell, one in which the people and not the government and its connected interest groups maintain control of their money and its safe keeping.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

What set in motion the explosive technological advance of the last 250 years was the world of ideas. Great thinkers began to understand the internal logic of the market economy and its potential for liberating mankind from poverty, dependency, and despotic rule.

Gregory Bresiger

Gold is the antidote to inflationary money. Gold, its advocates have said through the centuries, protects an individual against the damage caused by the disease called inflation that is created by central banks. Gregory Bresiger reviews Peter Bernstein's attempt to debunk: The Power of Gold: History of an Obsession.