33 Counties In Illinois Have Voted to Leave the State
Activists in Illinois and Indiana are talking about changing the state borders so separatist Illinois counties can join Indiana. As you'd expect, many politicians hate the idea.
Activists in Illinois and Indiana are talking about changing the state borders so separatist Illinois counties can join Indiana. As you'd expect, many politicians hate the idea.
President Trump claims that tariffs built American wealth. The truth is that tariffs cannot build wealth at all, only destroy it.
Can Donald Trump and Elon Musk actually change the direction of government growth and spending? The proverbial Overton Window does not stay open very long.
President Trump has announced his intentions for the government to set up a sovereign wealth fund. However popular the idea might be, it runs headlong into the realities of economic calculation and would soon deteriorate another government slush fund.
The Southern Reconstruction, while portrayed by progressives as virtuous northerners trying to rebuild the South, was actually an attempt to use state power to direct social and economic life there.
The gold in the US gold reserve is a legacy of the time the US government refused to keep its promise to redeem dollars in gold, and when it reneged on its legal obligations to repay debts in gold.
J.B. Say deserves to be remembered, especially by Austrian economists, as a pivotal figure in the history of economic thought. Yet, one finds him discussed very briefly, if at all.
While historian Walter A. McDougall was not a libertarian, nonetheless he had some Rothbardian insights on Woodrow Wilson and his reckless intervention into World War I. David Gordon notes that while McDougall‘s views on intervention were inconsistent, they still are useful.
Although egalitarian interventionism constantly is wrecked on the shoals of reality, there is always a stable of new politicians eager to promote what Murray Rothbard called “a revolt against nature.”
Ryan is joined by Economist and Mises Institute Fellow Kristoffer Hansen to discuss what would have happened if Argentina President Javier Milei had immediately shut down the country's central bank. The same holds for every other central bank, as well.