The Police State

Displaying 691 - 700 of 721
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Today, the United States has the most draconian financial disclosure system in the developed world. People who keep their money in offshore banks to avoid taxes are considered traitors. And when a citizen demands a zone of financial autonomy, the government wants to know: "What exactly are you trying to hide?" The natural answer of a free people is: Everything. The state has no more right to know about your affairs than your ne'er-do-well cousin (who at least isn't holding a gun to your head).

Ralph Reiland

In 1944, Ludwig von Mises published one of his least-known masterworks: Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War. Drawing on his prewar experience in Vienna, watching the rise of the National Socialists in Germany (the Nazis), who would eventually take over his own homeland, he set out to draw parallels between the Russian and German experience with socialism.