Bart Fuller

Bart Fuller is a business systems application developer from Troy, Michigan and blogs at Liberty vs. Leviathan.

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Mises Daily Bart Fuller
A play-money auction serves as a good example of what we now face. With the passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the Fed is poised to accelerate the redistribution process at a rate not seen in our lifetime. Those who will be hurt the most, of course, will be those who do not receive the new money.
Mises Daily Bart Fuller
Men from past centuries have warned us: men from the Old World, men steeped in theology and ethics who studied how man interacted with man in the market. One of these men was Father Juan de Mariana, S.J., and through a recent English translation of one of his works he now speaks to the New World too. Mariana wrote with the hope that the king and his court would be dissuaded from further debasing the realm’s money.