Power & Market

New Boss Is Nothing like the Old Boss

What a week! Before being accused of Trump-cheerleading, the elephant in the room must be acknowledged: the Federal Reserve, its role in the inevitable boom-bust cycle, and Trump’s evolving stance on tariffs. 

Nonetheless, last week we saw Ross Ulbricht released, pardons granted for J6 offenders, the JFK, RFK, and MLK files will be declassified, the TikTok ban postponed, America pulled out of the Paris Climate accord and World Health Organization, and US foreign assistance was suspended; the list is vast. Considering the world’s state of affairs, a focus on domestic over foreign issues and aid does seem more imperative.

America could benefit from focusing on issues closer to home.

Yet, many may never be aware of one of the biggest wins, which by executive order banned Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), as it was written:

…any ongoing plans or initiatives at any agency related to the creation of a CBDC within the jurisdiction of the United States shall be immediately terminated, and no further actions may be taken to develop or implement such plans or initiatives.

The only thing more dangerous than a central bank is a central bank with its own crypto currency. It would bring society one step closer to a cashless society, allowing more avenues for the Federal Reserve to inflate the money supply while executing other nefarious acts such as payment tracking or even freezing currency altogether.

On the topic of crypto, one of the greatest government confiscations of all time according to a 2013 FBI Archive was perpetrated against Ross Ulbricht’s Silk Road, a free market website where anonymous buyers could purchase goods from anonymous sellers in exchange for bitcoin. 

With This, the Largest-Ever Bitcoin Seizure, the Federal Government Has Now Seized Approximately 173,991 Bitcoins Worth Over $33.6 Million

The US Government currently holds approximately 198,000 bitcoins, valued at around $21 billion according to Arkham Intelligence who tracks government crypto holdings.

Incredibly, the US government’s bitcoin holdings were almost single handedly funded by one entrepreneur, Ross Ulbricht, who operated on the wrong side of the law by creating the Silk Road. In a freer society, Ulbricht might have been celebrated as an innovator and pioneer. The US government profiting from Ulbricht’s illegal activities is both ironic and hypocritical; but history shows that has never stopped State powers before.

Although it’s only been a week, we should compare not only the economics but the behaviors, morals, values, ethics, and ethos between Commander-in-Chiefs. One pardoned someone who paid dearly with both money and time, a stark contrast to Fauci who may ultimately be labeled one of the 21st century’s greatest villains. Alternatively, one pardoned a large group of individuals prosecuted for crimes whose own prosecution committee was given an actual get-out-of-jail free card for their involvement. 

It’s difficult to imagine a world where two diametrically opposed ideas could be held, but that is the world we live in. 

Whether you love him or hate him, the sense of hope, positive energy, and optimism for the future is at levels unseen. Should more policies lead to a freer and fairer market, this could lead to a boom in entrepreneurial creativity and investment… perhaps even usher in a new Golden Age for America.

Image Source: White House
Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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