Power & Market

A New Book of Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Now available at the Mises Institute book store,  Life in Liberty: Liber Amicorum is a collection of personal notes and scholarly contributions in honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe for his 75th birthday, and is a sequel to Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, edited by Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Stephan Kinsella (Auburn, Ala., Mises Institute, 2009).


Preface, by Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Stephan Kinsella

Part One: Grato Animo Beneficiique Memores

1. Life With a Freedom Fighter, by Gülçin Imre Hoppe
2. Dedicated, by Emily Hoppe Dalton
3. A Father, by Nick Hoppe
4. In Honor of Hans Hoppe, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell
5. A Beacon of Light, by Lee Iglody
6. Two Weddings and a Foundation, by Deanna L. Forbush
7. The Triumph of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, by Jeffrey M. Herbener
8. A Warrior Spirit, by Robert Grözinger
9. 2006 Was a Good Year, by Olivier Richard
10. A Heartfelt Tribute to My Good Friend Hans, by Thomas Jacob
11. A Series of Fortunate Events, by Caner (Jay) Baykal
12. Principled, by Jeffrey F. Barr
13. My Dinner with Professor Hoppe, by Gregory Morin

Part Two: The Meaning of Hoppe

14. The Pope of Libertarianism, by Sean Gabb
15. Hans Hoppe is No Revolutionary, by Mark Thornton
16. Hoppe Turned Me into an “Extreme Apriorist”, by Thorsten Polleit
17. The Humble Hero of Truth, by Nikolay Gertchev
18. An Austrian Perspective on Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the Property and Freedom Society, by Rahim Taghizadegan
19. Hoppe and the Current Stage of Austro-libertarianism in Brazil, by Fernando Fiori Chiocca
20. From the Foundations to the Overlooked Problems of Today, by Josef Šíma
21. On Argumentation Ethics, Human Nature, and Law, by Oscar Grau
22. An Intellectual Provocateur, by Carlos A. Gebauer
23. Transforming Toward Hoppean Security Production, by Tim Haffner

Part Three: Free Trade and Migrations

24. A Note on Hoppe’s “Open Borders” Critics, by Jeff Deist
25. Immigration and the Subsistence Fund, by David Howden

Part Four: Contending With Democracy

26. Hoppe on Time Preference and Democracy, by Doug French
27. Democracy and Philanthropy, by Hardy Bouillon
28. Should Political Parties be Abolished?, by Antony P. Mueller
29. Hoppe on Democracy and Prosperity, by Peter Wong

Part Five: Freedom and The Law
30. Law, Argumentation Ethics, Hoppe and Me, by Frank van Dun
31. Crime, Governments, and Psychopathology from a Praxeological Perspective, by
Alessandro Fusillo
32. The Ethics of Physics, by David Dürr
33. Defamation as a Type of Intellectual Property, by Stephan Kinsella

Part Six: Miscellaneous Essays

34. Medieval Christendom and Libertarianism, by Matteo Salonia
35. The Use of Private Property in a State Culture, by Philipp Bagus
36. One Thousand Liechtensteins, by Andreas Tögel
37. Was Milton Friedman a Causal Realist?, by Karl-Friedrich Israel
38. “Keep off ” is a Good Maxim, by Robert Nef
39. A Hoppean Alternative to Hayek’s “Spontaneous Order”, by Juan Fernando Carpio
40. The Economics of Metaphysics, by Jörg Guido Hülsmann
41. Some of My Favorite Hoppe Quotes, by Thomas DiLorenzo

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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