Mises Wire

The State Protects Us...

The State Protects Us...
...from overgrown grass. Code enforcement officers, or “grass cops,” roam Maryland neighbourhoods to check on residents who are not in compliance with rules about overgrown lawns. The AP article states that letting grass grow more than a foot high is illegal. 8 inches is the limit in Baltimore City. But, don’t fret, if you forget to cut your grass, friendly officials will cut your grass for you. The rationale? A nuisance of course, and wouldn’t you know, overgrown lawns “can become breeding grounds for insects and rats.” Grass, insects, and rats, oh my! The cost? Again, no need to worry, the state will just bill you or attach a lien to your property. This would be comical if it wasn’t so pathetic. To paraphrase Thomas Hardy; that cold accretion called the State, which, so terrible in the mass, is so unformidable, even pitiable in its units. How has it come to this? Better get out your ruler! Or maybe sit back and enjoy your state-sponsored lawn care service.
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