Mises Wire

Mark Skousen -- My Honeymoon With Murray Rothbard

Folks might enjoy this wide ranging interview with Mark Skousen. Here Skousen shores up his Austrian geek bonafides:

My father, Leroy Skousen, was like his brother Cleon, involved in the conservative anti-communist movement in the 1950s and 1960s, and he had copies of books such as Human Action, by Ludwig von Mises on his shelf in our home in Portland, Oregon. I also read regularly National Review and The Freeman that referred to the writings of Austrian economists such as Mises and Friedrich Hayek. I read Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom, which whetted my appetite for more. But it wasn’t until I discovered the writings of Murray Rothbard that I became enamored with Austrian economics, especially his books America’s Great Depression and What Has the Government Done to Our Money? By the early 1970s, I was hooked, and even took Rothbard’s magnum opus, Man, Economy, and State on my honeymoon. Admittedly, I didn’t get much reading done.

Skousen also opens up on his brief tenure as head of FEE, among other matters.

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