Mises Wire

Economics and Pro Football Defensive Strategy?

Economics and Pro Football Defensive Strategy?

Using historical data to ”forecast” human action (points scored in a football game) from Tennessean.com: “Schwartz is also examining regressions, the same sort of predictive formulas used in economic and weather forecasting.  Meteorologists predict today’s chance of rain by plugging factors into a regression equation. Looking at temperature and wind, humidity and arometric pressure, the equation reveals the percentage of time it’s rained when those factors came together.  Schwartz looks at similar equations as they relate to scoring defense, since his primary mission is to limit points.  He takes his unit’s third-down percentage, red-zone percentage, run average and pass average and gets an answer as to ‘how many points you’re expected to give up over the course of a season based on what’s happened in the past’ around the league.”


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