Mises Wire

The cure for wildfires ... acronym soup

The cure for wildfires ... acronym soup

Of course, chaos is the entrée. As of yesterday, here is the response from the Department of Homeland Security ...No additional comments needed. This dispatch says it all. from: U.S. Department of Homeland Security Multiple Wildfires Los Angeles - San Diego, CA Executive Summary #5

Major Response Operations: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) is at Level I operations with all Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) activated. The Region IX Response Coordination Center (RRCC) is activated at Level II with all ESFs, the US Coast Guard (USCG) and the Defense Coordinating Element (DCE) activated. The FEMA Joint Field Office (JFO) is established in Pasadena, CA. FEMA Region IX has activated an Emergency Response Team - Advance (ERT-A) that has arrived at the JFO. The Emergency Response Team - National (ERT-N) Red is deployed to the JFO and will be operational on 25 Oct 07. Eight (8) Fire Management Assistance Grants (FMAG) have been issued. Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) - Bothell is deploying two (2) Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicles (MEOV) to the JFO in support of communication needs. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has deployed a temporary Power Planning and Response Team (PPRT), a Temporary Housing Team, a Tiger Team, a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) specialist, electrical engineer and a subject matter expert. Two FEMA safety officers have been deployed to the JFO. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has deployed two (2) Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT) to San Diego, CA, TO BE BASED AT THE DEL MAR FAIRGROUNDS AND MARCH AIR FORCE BASE (AFB) RESPECTIVELY. HHS has also deployed an Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT) to the JFO. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has deployed a liaison to the JFO. A NUMBER OF MOBILE DISASTER RECOVERY CENTERS (MDRCs) HAVE BEEN DEPLOYED: SAN DIEGO - ONE (1) ARRIVED YESTERDAY; THREE (3) EN ROUTE FROM PASADENA TO SAN DIEGO EXPECTED TO ARRIVE TODAY; THREE (3) EN ROUTE TO PASADENA TO BE DISPATCHED LATER; TWO (2) EN ROUTE FROM FORT WORTH, TX TO PASADENA WHICH WILL BE DISPATCHED TO SAN DIEGO ON 25, OCT 07; ONE MDRC AT MOFFETT FIELD IS AWAITING A DRIVER AND WILL BE DISPATCHED UPON ARRIVAL. SIXTY (60) USDA FOREST SERVICE STRIKE TEAMS WERE REQUESTED OF WHICH TEN (10) HAVE BEEN FILLED. THE REQUEST IS UNDER REVIEW. THE USDA HAS ALSO APPROVED THE ISSUANCE OF “DISASTER FOOD STAMPS” FOR FIRE VICTIMS IN ALL AFFECTED COUNTIES. THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY FAMILY REGISTRY AND LOCATOR SYSTEM (NEFRLS) HAS BEEN SET UP. NEFRLS reports 119 calls and 32 registrations as of 1900 EDT 10 Oct 07. THE REGISTRATION CALL VOLUME IS NOT KNOWN AT THIS TIME. A JOINT HOUSING TASK FORCE (JHTF) HAS BEEN STOOD UP AT FEMA HQ. INITIAL OPERATING HOURS WILL BE 0800 - 1700 EDT. EPA AND OPS WILL DISPATCH SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS AT FEMA HQ TO SUPPORT THE NRCC AND THE REGION ON AIR QUALITY ISSUES. THE INITIAL COMPOSITION OF THE TASK FORCE WILL INCLUDE, EPA, HHS, OSHA, DOE (POTENTIALLY), USCG AND FEMA. THE PURPOSE IS TO ADVISE ON AIR QUALITY ISSUES IN SUPPORT OF REGION IX. THE ATLANTA FEDERAL INCIDENT RESPONSE SUPPORT TEAM (FIRST) HAS ARRIVED AT QUALCOMM STADIUM IN SAN DIEGO. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) HAS APPROVED FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE TO FOUR CALIFORNIA COUNTIES.
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