Mises Wire

Azihari & Rouanet: No More “Free Trade” Treaties: It’s Time for Genuine Free Trade

No More “Free Trade” Treaties: It’s Time for Genuine Free-Trade

Mises Daily Wednesday: Ferghane Azihari and Louis Rouanet write: 

Murray Rothbard opposed NAFTA and showed that what the Orwellians were calling a “free trade” agreement was in reality a means to cartelize and increase government control over the economy. Several clues lead us to the conclusion that protectionist policies often hide behind free trade agreements, for as Rothbard said, “genuine free trade doesn’t require a treaty.”

The first clue is the intergovernmental and top down approach. Intergovernmentalism is nothing more than a process governments use to mutualize their respective sovereignties in order to complete tasks they are not able to accomplish alone. Nation-states are entities which rarely give up power. When they finalize agreements, it is to strengthen their power, not to weaken it. On the contrary, free trade requires a decline of governments’ regulatory power.

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