Mises Wire

Atomizing the Market

Atomizing the Market

Just when the market cleans the air, in steps the regulators. The e-cigarette solves the smoke issue by atomizing a nicotine solution in a pen-size device. Pretty slick. But, wait. The feds consider the e-cigarette a nicotine delivery system. Sure, and Mountain Dew is a caffeine delivery system, just as Ho-Hos are a sugar and fat delivery system. Big deal.

The same folks who cheer the regulation of nicotine also want to protect my knees from my bicycle. And they want to protect me from, well, you name it. These nanny-dogooders think a man of 45 shouldn’t be riding a bike — bad for the knees, you know. They cajole me, but I ignore them. It’s just a matter of time before my knees are a public health issue and the nanny dogooders have their in — you know the line: Society should not have to bear the expense of my selfish activity.

I say, you smoke (or atomize) and I ride. And we live in peace.

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