Milton Friedman Unraveled
An advisor of Richard Nixon and a friend of most Administration economists, Friedman has, in fact, served the regime as a sort of leading unofficial apologist for Nixonite policy.
Chicago vs. the Free Market Symposium
Not everyone called a free-market economist — regardless of their possession of a Nobel prize — really is devoted to the free market.
George Stigler and the Myth of Efficient Government
This article argues that while there are a few transparent similarities between politics and markets, the fundamental differences between them rend
Henry Simons is Not a Supporter of Free Enterprise
The Chicago School of Economics is seen far and wide as a free enterprise stronghold.
Douglass C. North and Non-Marxist Institutional Determinism
Douglass North has written many essays and books over forty or more years in which he has sought to reintegrate economic theory and economic histor