European Unification as the New Frontier of Collectivism
Present-day prophets of a united Europe share with past conquerors like Napoleon and Hitler a strong preference for a society directed, more or less violently, by a small political elite. All in the name of "eternal peace."
Nationalism and Liberalism: Friends or Foes?
What should be the attitude of classical liberals toward nationalist aspiration and sentiment?
Natural Order, the State, and the Immigration Problem
In this article, Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe discusses immigration, natural order, and private property.
Volume 16, Number 1 (2002)
From the Bosom of Communism to the Central Control of EU Planners
Since the end of the Second World War, the issue of European integration has taken on ever-greater economic and political importance.
The European Union’s American Pedigree: Lessons from the Other Side of the Atlantic
The European Union is a continental movement with an American pedigree.