The Free Market

The Free Market was a monthly newsletter of the Mises Institute from 1982-2014, featuring articles from the Austrian viewpoint.

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Murray N. Rothbard

Hosannas have poured in from all parts of the academic spectrum — left, right, and center — hailing the Treasury's draft plan as an approach to the ideal of the "flat tax." (Since the plan calls for three classes of income tax rates, it has been called a "flat tax with bumps.") This near-unanimity should not be surprising, because a flat tax appeals to the sort of academic who, regardless of ideology, likes to push people around like pawns on a chessboard.

Murray N. Rothbard

Our country is beset by a large number of economic myths that distort public thinking on important problems and lead us to accept unsound and dangerous government policies. Here are ten of the most dangerous of these myths and an analysis of what is wrong with them.