Symposium with Ron Paul: War and Peace in the Age of Trump

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The late Murray Rothbard thought war and peace was the most important libertarian issue. He argued that war was justified only in response to a direct attack. Interventions abroad to advance supposed American interests or values serve only to advance the power of the Leviathan State and ought to be entirely rejected. By this measure, US foreign policy in the 20th and early 21st centuries has been a disaster. Interventionism, nation building, and wars of choice have caused enormous damage and increased the State’s power, just as Rothbard foresaw.
Can Trump change any of this? Can he stand against the entrenched mindset that American must intervene in conflicts around the globe? Can he face down the foreign policy establishment and defense industry cronyism, which rely on neoconservative doctrines of pre-emptive war and nation-building? Can Secretary of State Rex Tillerson change the tenor, if not the reality, of our policies? And can a new Cold War with Russia be avoided?
Dr. Ron Paul, David Stockman, Phil Giraldi, Lew Rockwell, Hunt Tooley, Jeff Deist, and Daniel McAdams will assess the prospects for peace in the Trump years. The event takes place in Lake Jackson, Texas, at the Dow Academic Center of Brazosport College—about 45 minutes south of Hobby Airport in Houston. 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. including brunch with cash bar serving bloody marys and mimosas.
Nearby hotels include Holiday Inn Express Clute-Lake Jackson and Hampton Inn Clute-LakeJackson.
Student Scholarship Applications
Students wishing to apply for a scholarship for sessions and brunch should submit an application and student ID using this Student Event Scholarship Application Form.
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