Our Enemy, Inflation: The Mises Cirlce in Houston

Our Enemy Inflation: Mises Circle Houston 2009
- Event

Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis

How many times has Washington proclaimed that inflation has been conquered, only to have it return when and where we least expect it? Inflation remains today the great enemy of individual economic planning. This has both economic and cultural consequences.

We are supposed to think that an economic crisis caused by easy money can be cured by more of it. Instead, such policies can only deepen and lengthen the crisis. Ever since Keynes especially, central-bank expansionism has been the accepted policy always and everywhere. It’s long past time to overthrow that orthodoxy, and try what has become a radical, new solution: sound money. This is no pipe dream. It is the only alternative to global hyperinflation.


9:00 a.m. Coffee and Registration  9:30 a.m. Welcome

9:45 a.m. Thomas Woods, “Monetary Lessons from America’s Past”

10:15 a.m.  Mark Thornton, “Skyscrapers and Business Cycles”

10:45 a.m.  Discussion and Refreshments

11:00 a.m.  Robert Higgs, “Death Fuel”

11:30 a.m.  Discussion

11:45 a.m.  Lunch with Ron Paul, “End the Fed”

1:15 p.m.  Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., “The Gold Dollar”

2:00 p.m.  Adjourn

Additional Information

The Mises Bookstore will be open during breaks. See Will Sitz at the bookstore table to have books autographed by speakers.

James Fogal, Director of Development for the Institute, is available during breaks and after adjournment to discuss charitable/tax saving strategies.

The location is the second floor of Maggiano’s Restaurant, 2019 Post Oak Blvd., Houston; telephone 713-961-2700.

Accommodations across from Maggiano’s: Hilton Post Oak, call 1-800-HILTONS and reference code SJR for a rate of $119 per night, plus tax.

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