Mises Wire

Galambos and Other Nuts

Galambos and Other Nuts

It’s predictable. Just like if you criticize a scientologist you are going to get a ton of replies from kooks, so if you criticize Galambos (see links below). So let me be clear: from what I have seen Galambos was some minor cult California hippie figure, who was smart but who not only adopted a kind of bizarre, flaky scientism, but a crankish and absurd view of intellectual property.

(I must say I view as similarly crankish Georgists. And if someone uses the word “allodial,” my crankdar also goes off. See more on libertarian cranks and nutjobs--the income tax protestors/Irwin Schiff nuts, common law court types, militia nuts, etc.) ((Update: See Egads, I hate Georgism; Natural, Positive Law, Tax Evasion, Rituals and Incantations; Rothbard on Conspiratoids.))

Am I wrong here? Are there serious thinkers--libertarians, Austrians--who actually view Galambos as more than some kooky, marginal figure, and have profited from his thought?

Some Galambos mentions:

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