Power & Market

Reminder that Bill Kristol and the Neocons are Always Wrong About Everything

Reminder that Bill Kristol and the Neocons are Always Wrong About Everything

Neocons are a group that virtually no one likes. Indeed, I’ve never met a single person who identified as one. In fact, I’ve never met a single person who knew what neocon was and didn’t outright hate them. Part of that is probably because they are a bunch of warmongers who are always wrong about everything. But they do, unfortunately, have a wildly disproportionate amount of influence in Washington.

As far as being wrong about everything goes, Bill Kristol is the all-time champion. Here’s a very short list . But they include; Obama didn’t stand a chance in the 2008 election, echoing that the insurgency was in its last throes, that Iraq wasn’t in a civil war, that Trump would pick Christie as his running mate and on and on and on. But this one from before the Iraq war started is truly legendary:

Unfortunately, the Twitter handle “Kristol in History” is now inactive. But if you’re looking for a good chuckle, it’s worth reading through a few:

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